Drum Circle Meeting
Drum Circle Meeting in the Main Room for more info contact Tim at 425-823-4448
Family Get Together
Private event will be held in the Gazebo
Private event at the Gazebo
Private event at the Gazebo
Private Event in the Main Room
A Member will be hosting their private event in the main room
Private Event
A member will be holding a private event at the Gazebo.
Private event
RSVP for the Gazebo private event Arnold
Social Plus Activity Planning
The Social Plus Committee meeting will be held in the Fireplace room
KPOA Beach Potluck
Contact Vicky Miller for Information
Emergency Preparedness Committee Monthly Meeting
Emergency Preparedness Committee Monthly Meeting in the Fireplace room & Zoom
Elections Committee Meeting
In fireplace room
EPC First Aid Meeting
EPC First Aid monthly Meeting for more info contact Terry Rose at 360-385-1940
Just the Girls
In main room
Finance Committee
Meets in the Fireplace room one time date change from 7-4-23
EPC meeting in the Fireplace Room w/ Bill Hasan
Publications Committee Meeting
The Publications Meeting will be held in the administrative conference room.
Lecture in the main room for more info contact Michael Machette at 360-385-2224
Drum Circle Meeting
Drum Circle In the Fireplace room
Board of Directors Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting at 3pm in the Main Room
Personnel Committee
Closed meeting for Personnel Committee
Tree Committee Meeting
Tree Committee Meeting at the Administration conference room
Yoga w/ Charla
Yoga will be held in the main room of the clubhouse
Private Gazebo event – Family Reunion
The Gazebo and Picnic area are being reserved for a family reunion.
Private Event
A member will be holding a private event in the main room of the clubhouse.
Private Gazebo Event
An owner is holding a private event.
Women’s Exercise
Women's Exercise group w/ AJ Laverty (class is full)
Bridge Group
Bridge in the Clubhouse Main Room
Mah Jong Afternoons
In the Fireplace Room, POC: Ann Morriseau