Seattle Children's Hospital Guild Meeting, in Main room, POC: Dawn Spencer: 360-344-2914 3-4 card tables
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1 event,
In the Fireplace Room, POC: Ann Morriseau
4 events,
In the Fireplace Room
Social Plus Meeting in the Fireplace room
In the Fireplace room
Project Study Committee in the Fireplace room
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2 events,
Emergency Preparedness Committee Monthly Meeting in the Fireplace room & Zoom
In the Fireplace Room
1 event,
EPC First Aid monthly Meeting for more info contact Terry Rose at 360-385-1940
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2 events,
10am-12pm Binds – Book Group – Meets on the 2nd Monday of each month (except December, June, July & August) in the Fire Place room at the Clubhouse. Happy to discuss any book you have read or are interested in. Our love of reading has made for fine friendships and lively meetings! – NM